Municipal Lease Financing
By working with large municipal financing teams, we can facilitate lease financing to School Distrcits, Municipalities and Fire Departments. Leasing can be extremely beneficial for these organizations so they can have all the products they need to keep streets safe while meeting budget restrictions.
- Eliminates need for large up-front cash outlays
- Allows for budget flexibility by tailoring payments to fit cash flow
- Eliminates the need for voter approval for municipalities in most states
- Maximize limited budget funds since only the current year's lease payments
are included in the municipal operating budget
There are numerous Federal, State, Local and private sources of funding,
particularly for safety related projects, but navigating this web of possibilities
and properly applying for the most appropriate grant can be challenging.
We have assembled a collection of guidelines and funding sources that should
assist you in the process. Please contact us if we can be of specific assistance. Funding 101 – Common Sources View this document for tips outlining the various sources of funds to public agencies as well as outlining suggestions on building support for each funding source.
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